Punctured Dreams…

Life is often contemplated as complex and immensely hard sometimes and what makes it so are unquestionably, the failures! And they are important too as without them one can never know the sweet taste of victories. They help us learn, know and grow. But it is also not possible to avoid the fact that they can sometimes break us beyond repair. That’s when life seems a burden with dreams and hopes all punctured and then one who beats that phase of life knows the ultimate secret to lead a perfect joyful life.

Punctured Dreams

Lighten up the lamp of joy,
Regret not the time passed by,
Live the moment, in you’re now,
Fear not what’s life has yet to show.

When sun with the merry blare
Is hid by the clouds of despair,
Then failure makes the heart compel
We are nothing more than a ne’er-do-well.

Life shattered, dreams punctured,
Gloom at the zenith, hopes all withered.
A smile at the time like this
Knows the secret to the immortal bliss.


Daily Prompt: Puncture

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